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The non-Bible Framework materials that were previously available on the Bible Framework website are now available here. In the coming months we will be reorganizing and expanding the content on this complementary site. Updates on the progress of this new site will be via the quarterly Bible Framework newsletter.
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You are here: Home / Multi-Lesson Series / Faith-Rest Drill / Lesson 191 – Intercession – The Work of God the Son and the Work of God the Holy Spirit
In saving man, God’s absolute holiness is protected through the substitutionary, finished work of Christ. Every other religion on earth compromises God’s holiness. The intercessionary chain, concerning the church, between the Members of the Godhead. God is the personal, ultimate, final cause of all things. The concept of causation means something different for the creature than the Creator. God’s foreknowledge. Questions and answers.
Series:Chapter 3 – The Historical Emergence of the Church