The flash/jump drive includes
- 1 John series, 45 lessons
- Deuteronomy series, 74 lessons
- Faith-Rest Drill: Eschatological Implications series, 3 lessons
- Framework Sampler - 1 lesson compiled from snippets from the entire Bible Framework
- Interlocked, “Framework for Famiilies”
- Keeping Faithful to our Lord in a Growing Hostile Culture series, 7 lessons
- Law, Grace, & Citizenship, 7 lessons
- Living the Christian Life, 7 lessons
- Looking at Labor and Reward from God's Perspective, 7 lessons
- Not Ashamed of the Gospel (Romans 1:16–32), 7 lessons
- Our Relationship with God: Estranged or Intimate?, 7 lessons
- Thinking More Deeply About the Bible, Science, Reason, & Language, 4 lessons
The following series may include video and several include other like-minded speakers
- Biblical vs. Unbiblical View of Reality, Truth, and Ethics, 1 lesson
- Divine Institutions, 3 lessons
- Eschatology Seminar (2016 Chafer Seminary presentations), 5 lessons
- Global Warming/Climate Change Information, 4 lessons +
- God's Plan for Marriage and the Family Seminar (Chafer Seminary presentations), 4 lessons
NOTE: These drives can be duplicated and given to friends and associates.