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You are here: Home / Video/Audio Lessons / Biblical vs. Unbiblical Views / Lesson 54 – Mosaic Law Code: Comprehensiveness of Revelation, Inspiration, Canonicity
Characteristics of revelation (continued). When man creates his own gods, he’s defining his own reality. The Bible insists that the source for values, ethics, and law must be God. Revelation is comprehensive. When God speaks His revelation, He speaks to all areas of life. Revelation is prophetic. Christianity has over fourteen centuries of prophets (beginning with Moses), all basically saying the same thing. No other religion (paganism) can claim that. The relationship between inspiration and revelation. The inerrancy of Scripture. The Bible, not the church is the authority.
Series:Chapter 4 – Mt. Sinai: The Disruptive Truth of God’s Absolute, Comprehensive Rule of Law