The Bible Framework Applied website is currently under construction.
The non-Bible Framework materials that were previously available on the Bible Framework website are now available here. In the coming months we will be reorganizing and expanding the content on this complementary site. Updates on the progress of this new site will be via the quarterly Bible Framework newsletter.
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You are here: Home / Video/Audio Lessons / Eschatology Seminar / Lesson 25 – Implications of the Covenant for Man: The Re-Installed Third Divine Institution (Family) and the New Fourth Divine Institution (Civil Government)
God reconstituted the Divine Institutions after the flood. Noah and his sons were nation builders, not just survivors of the flood. The oracle of Noah. The new Divine Institution: civil government. Guest speaker: Police Homicide Supervisor. Capital punishment. Questions and answers.
Series:Chapter 6 – The Covenant: The Buried Truth of the New World