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You are here: Home / Video/Audio Lessons / The Incarnation / Lesson 42 – Doctrine of Justification
The doctrine of justification. In paganism, man invents truth. In biblical Christianity, man discovers truth. Gospel preaching is not an impudent, superficial act; it is the powerful call of God that creates the elect in human history. Man must be credited with a perfect righteousness that he does not generate. Justification is due to righteousness outside of man: the imputed righteousness of Christ. The Cross was the greatest act of obedience. The Protestant view of justification, contrasted with the Roman Catholic view. The whole point of justification is that the believer’s relationship with God is permanently fixed. [Brief technical difficulties begin around the 43:00 minute mark and last for a couple minutes] Questions and answers.
Series:Chapter 2 – God’s Call to Abraham: The Disruptive Truth of Man’s Kingdom Rejected