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You are here: Home / Bible Framework Applied Lessons / Video/Audio Lessons / Faith-Rest Drill / Lesson 2 - A Biblical Framework for Facing the Intellectual, Moral, and Spiritual Challenges of the 21st Century - Part 2
The rationale behind the Framework (cont.). The world system has a moral agenda which is to insulate us from responsibility before our Creator. God the Holy Spirit has taught the church throughout the centuries, clarifying biblical doctrines. The pagan world, falsely, thinks faith or belief are weak forms of knowledge. That's not the Scriptural position. Faith is a response of trust to the authoritative, supreme, self-authenticating, Word of God. Language was the instrument God used to create the entire universe. God gave language to man because He wants to have a personal relationship with us. Language is distorted by agenda at work. The great addresses in Scripture concentrate on contrast, involve a range of meaning, and put things into context (God's larger plan for His creatures). This also applies to all forms of revelation (general and special). Every statement contains a series of assumptions. Christianity is a cognitive religion, not mysticism.
Series:Framework Part 1 :: The Bible Framework Strategy