The Bible Framework Applied website is currently under construction.
The non-Bible Framework materials that were previously available on the Bible Framework website are now available here. In the coming months we will be reorganizing and expanding the content on this complementary site. Updates on the progress of this new site will be via the quarterly Bible Framework newsletter.
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You are here: Home / Video/Audio Lessons / Divine Institutions / Lesson 96 – Review Framework: History and Resulting Doctrines
Why study systematic theology? You can’t separate the history of God’s revelation from biblical doctrine. Demonstrating that most of the New Testament is not new. The writers of the New Testament assumed their readers knew the Old Testament. God disrupts sin patterns in our lives because He cares for us. The Bible is coherent because God thinks coherently. God is big enough to be sovereign and still allow personal responsibility. If you have a view of your life or past that is not a consequence of your choices, you will never change your life for the better. Man’s fall.
Series:Chapter 5 – Partial Restoration: The Discipline of Hope