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You are here: Home / Video/Audio Lessons / Eschatology Seminar / Lesson 170 – The Old Faith-Rest Drill: Going for the Deep Roots; Peter, Acts, and Pentecost
(Promise – Isaiah 41:10) Peter’s analysis of what occurred at Pentecost. Pentecost results from Christ’s session. Peter takes truths of Christ’s life and puts them inside an Old Testament structure. As a prophet, when writing Psalms, David sometimes enveloped himself prophetically in his whole dynasty. At Pentecost, Peter taught that Jesus Christ fulfilled that whole dynastic picture. Pentecost is the historical evidence that Jesus Christ made it to the Father’s right hand. Christ’s session is the heavenly origin of the church and Pentecost is the earthly origin of the church. Questions and answers.
Series:Chapter 2 – The Earthly Origin of the Church