The Bible Framework Applied website is currently under construction.
The non-Bible Framework materials that were previously available on the Bible Framework website are now available here. In the coming months we will be reorganizing and expanding the content on this complementary site. Updates on the progress of this new site will be via the quarterly Bible Framework newsletter.
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You are here: Home / Video/Audio Lessons / Eschatology Seminar / Lesson 205 – Framework Review
Scripture has publicly observable, historical events that no other religion has. Christ’s crucifixion reflects the national refusal to accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah. The three years Jesus Christ was on earth ministering are packed with Old Testament background. The suffering Servant and the glorious King pictures of the Messiah are reconciled by the inter-advent age. Pentecost was the manifestation on earth of Christ’s session in Heaven. Questions and answers.
Series:Chapter 4 – The Historical Maturing of the Church