The Bible Framework Applied website is currently under construction.
The non-Bible Framework materials that were previously available on the Bible Framework website are now available here. In the coming months we will be reorganizing and expanding the content on this complementary site. Updates on the progress of this new site will be via the quarterly Bible Framework newsletter.
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You are here: Home / Video/Audio Lessons / Eschatology Seminar / Lesson 63 – Review of Sanctification **New**
The concept of the Biblical Framework; avoids seeing the Bible as a collection of disconnected stories; connects biblical truths with actual history; and views all biblical truths as interconnected. The Bible is a unique library of many books and letters, written by many different authors in many different life situations. Yet it has an internal coherence. The kingdom of man contrasted with the kingdom of God: foundations, goals, beginnings, ethics, and leadership. Review of sanctification.
Series:Chapter 5 – Conquest and Settlement: The Disruptive Truth of Israel’s Holy War