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You are here: Home / Video/Audio Lessons / The Incarnation / Lesson 1 - A Biblical Framework for Facing the Intellectual, Moral, and Spiritual Challenges of the 21st Century - Part 1
A background of the Biblical Framework way to teach God’s Word. God the Holy Spirit designed the Bible, through a narration of history, so that all history is pedagogical. We should respect the historical sequence God used to reveal His truth. There are only two basic worldviews: pagan unbelief or the biblical worldview. God has put a sense of eternity in everyone’s heart. We are accountable to God and the authority of His revelation. The weaknesses of pagan unbelief. The agenda of pagan thinking is to make the world safe from God's interference in life. Unbelief attempts to reinterpret God’s Word to make it safe. The Framework is a way of strategically enveloping unbelief. Questions and answers.
Series:Framework Part 1 :: The Bible Framework Strategy