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You are here: Home / Video/Audio Lessons / The Incarnation / Lesson 135 – Examining Unbelief: Jewish, Gentile, & Modern Unbelief
The Cross of Christ and unbelief. Unbelief in the virgin birth and the incarnation rejects the Creator/creature distinction. Unbelief in Scripture, as a historical record, reject a God Who speaks and reveals Himself. The Cross of Christ changes the basis for condemnation from personal sin to unbelief. The gospel both softens and hardens hearts. Jewish unbelief. Unbelief wants salvation without judgment. Gentile unbelief. Repentance alone does not save; there must be restitution. Without the need for atonement, the Cross of Christ becomes unnecessary. Unbelief must redefine the Cross of Christ. The act of approving what is wicked is worse than doing it! Questions and answers.